To enhance content functionality, you must produce content that is relative and readable to the consumer. By increasing the contents effectiveness, it will become more desirable to the user. Your content must be ready for the SERP (search engine results page) so it is easily accessible to the targeted audience. By optimizing your content before it goes live, it will result in a higher ranking and ultimately improve performance. The purpose of smart content is to drive traffic and increase profits but where do you start?

First, smart content consists of investing into content development by taking a more data-based approach. To improve the value of your content you can use data to see how consumers interact. Data marketers will improve your overall performance by gathering more information about the audience you are targeting. By studying this data, you can spot trends that best suits your consumers.

Bigger brands use this data to get a better understanding on what the user wants to see. By integrating the data, you can produce more relative content which in turn will become more profitable. In order to produce quality, relevant, smart content you must:

1. Who is your audience?

First you must identify exactly who is your target audience. Smart content is content that is in the right place at the right time. It must target specifically to your consumer who are searching for your product.

2. Relevance

Once you know your target audience the next step is determining what they want to read. Smart content must be relevant to the product but also possess value so it interests the user. Again, you can use data to determine the best content for you audience.

3. Optimize

When creating your content, developing it so it is SEO compatible is key. Your content should be optimized as you create it so your content does not have to be improved later. The benefit of this is so when you do launch, it is ranked as high as possible when it is crawled for the first time.

4. Define

Quantify everything about your content. Define your key performance indicators and align them with your company’s goals to see how the users interact with your content. You must know your goals first to be able to determine the success.

5. Adjust

Concentrate on the material that works. Adjust your approach so it corresponds to your goals since you quantified them beforehand. Material that consistently does not perform well should be taken into consideration as to why it is not doing well and then reduce it if results are not there.

Use these steps to help drive the performance of your content higher so your content is more valuable to the customer. In return, use the data to better understand your target market so you can adjust according